Fair play and Maturity:

Social Maturity and Fair play is the ideology of BMC Gaming, and we always seek to uphold these values. By joining a BMC Gaming server, you agree to and are bound to all rules listed on this page.

General Values:

At all times Players and Admins are expected to act with integrity and treat each other with respect. Listen to and obey the Admins at all times. Don’t take things too seriously, it’s a game! Players may be punished if they are not considered to be playing Fair/Maturely, regardless of whether they have broken any of the below rules. We all like to have a laugh and fool around, but not to the detriment of another player’s experience.


(Specific In-Game rules can be found here)

General Racism, abuse and hate speech is not tolerated. Using any form of cheating is forbidden. Strictly no obscenity in your in-game name or clan name. Impersonation of any Admins, Managers, Moderators, Clan Members or other affiliated individuals and groups is forbidden. Using any in-game glitches/exploits for your advantage is forbidden. Advertising in any form for clans, communities, websites or any other individual/group is forbidden. Any discussion of kicks/bans in-game is considered poor etiquette. Any form of trolling, baiting or stupidity will not be tolerated. Any unresponsive player sitting idle in the server, when the population limit has been reached, may be kicked to make room for other players.

Communication and VOIP:

Do not spam Text and VOIP channels. Do not argue, insult or be an asshat. English only in global/voice chat. Swearing is tolerated, but up to a point.


All infractions will be handled at the Admin's discretion

Possible punishments are: Verbal/written warnings Game server kick Game server ban (temporary and/or permanently removed from server)


Please review these rules occasionally to ensure you are up to date with them. We will do our best to notify the community of any significant rule changes, but ultimately it is your responsibility to know and adhere to these rules. BMC Gaming reserves the right to protect the integrity of our community, servers, player base & any other service/entity. We may remove any individual/group/clan/community/etc from all BMC servers either temporary or permanently.

Do NOT post or direct users to private information about other players, this information and peoples personal lives should not be involved in a video game, anyone found posting such information will be permanently banned from all servers.


BMC Gaming Admin

Last Updated: 2022-06-28

For inquiries, you can reach me at: [email protected]